Above, pictures of a Pine Warbler on 24 Nov 10; below, a juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk on 23 Nov 10. Both birds have been around our house for the past few days. The Pine Warbler has been supplementing his wild food diet with hulled sunflowers at our neighbor's feeder.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sharpie, Pine Warbler 23-24 Nov
Above, pictures of a Pine Warbler on 24 Nov 10; below, a juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk on 23 Nov 10. Both birds have been around our house for the past few days. The Pine Warbler has been supplementing his wild food diet with hulled sunflowers at our neighbor's feeder.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Fork-tailed Flycatcher video
Greater Yellowlegs Mondo Ponds 22 Nov 10
Today, on the anniversary of JFK's assassination, Greater Yellowlegs bathing and calling at Mondo Ponds in Milford, CT.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Cooper's Hawk at CACC
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tagged Ringed-bill Gull, Sachems 11/10
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Nelson's, Sachem 10 Nov 10
Typical impeded view of a Nelson's Sparrow taken on 8 Nov while searching unsuccessfully for Le Conte's. Both of these Ammodramus species run around like mice, gathering Spartina seeds. At high tide they leave the Sound-side Spartina and forage on the dunes.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Harlequin Duck Taken by Gr BB Gull
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Pine Siskins at feeder 2 Nov 10
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Le Conte's Sparrow Milford Point 3 Nov 10
Here are a few record shots of the Le Conte's Sparrow that was first found by Tom Sayer on 29 October 10 in the Spartina on the west side of the Francis Street spit at Milford Point while he and others, esp Jim Zipp, were searching for Nelson's Sparrows to photograph. We finally got good looks on Monday (1 Nov). Today the Le Conte's was easily seen for extended periods, and the pictures give some indication of the trouble in seeing this skulker. Also seen at the same spot today: Nelson's Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Marsh Wren, Clapper Rail, and a Sora. On the spit the Horned Larks, Snow Buntings, and Lapland Longspur continue to be seen. We did not see the Western Grebe that was around the spit yesterday. The photos are meant to be looked at in this order: 4, 3, 2, 1. Only after searching through the grass do you get a view.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sachem 1, 2 Nov 10. CT late date record.
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