White-faced Ibis, Hammonasset State Park, 3/331/21
Now a yearly spring event, a White-faced Ibis was discovered yesterday at Hammonasset State Park in Madison, CT. It associates with a flock of Glossy Ibid, which do breed here, and can be separated fro Glossies by its red eye, pink facial skin, and white facial surround; it also has red-pink legs.
Piping Plover, Milford Point, FOY, 3/9/21. Dr. Bill B & Cathy V found the seasons first PIPL at Milford Point this morning, 3/9/21, a very warm day: perhaps the PIL rode the warm front up from the south. He's a male, and this is the earliest I have ever seen one in Milford. The Horned Lark is a late straggler.