Today we had another Cloudless Sulphur fly through our yard, but this time it stopped in the garden across the street and I was able to get a record photo. Also, the Ocola Skipper was back, this time in an aster with 8 Sachem Skippers. On the 14th, still more than a dozen Sachems, a Giant, a Viceroy, and a Orange/Cloudless cross.
Ocola Skipper, home, 9/12/16 |
Cloudless Sulphur, neighbor's grden, 9/12/16 |
Ocola Skipper, home, 9/12/16 |
Ocola Skipper, home, 9/12/16 |
female Sachem, home, 9/12/16 |
male Sachem, home, 9/11/16 |
Orange Sulphur, Nicholdale Farm, Shelton, 9/12/16 |
Ocola Skipper, home, 9/12/16 |
Ocola Skipper, home, 9/12/16 |
Orange/Clouded Sulphur, home, 9/14/16 |
ventral male Sachem, 9/14/16, home |
Ocola Skipper, home, 9/12/16