Thursday, October 9, 2014

Eurasian Wigeon, 10/09/14; 10/11/14

Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds 10/11/14

2 Eurasian Wigeons, Mondo Ponds 10/11/14

2 Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds 10/11/14

2 Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds 10/11/14

2 Eurasian Wigeons, Mondo Ponds 10/11/14

Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds, 10/11/14

Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds, 10/11/14

2 Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds, 10/11/14

Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds, 10/11/14

Eurasian Wigeon, Mondo Ponds, 10/11/14
A drake Eurasian Wigeon was found at Mondo Ponds yesterday by Frank Gallo, and this bird is probably the same one.  Found him this morning (11:30 Am, 10/09/14) around 11:30 AM at the Jonathan Law HS pond, which is very close to Mondo Ponds and which I searched earlier, finding 26 American Wigeons, but no Eurasian.  Last year there were at least 3 Eur Wigeons that flew back and forth from Mondo to Law pond.  Below, a two record shots.  My guess is that this bird is still molting out of eclipse plumage.  Above, photos of two Eurasian Wigeon photographed 2 days later at Mondo Ponds around 5:00-5:30 PM on a cool day after rain.  Both are drakes, also seemingly molting out of eclipse plumage, but one has a much redder head and a golden forehead.  The other should be compared to the J. Law bird of 10/09/14.

drake Eurasian Wigeon, Law High School pond, Milford CT 10/9/14

Eurasian Wigeon, Law HS pond 10/9/14

Sunday, October 5, 2014

White-rumped Sandpiper, 10/02/14, Milford Point

White-rumped Sandpiper sheltering with Semipalmated Sandpipers, Milford Point, 10/02/05.  Notice orange at base of bill, long primary projection (at least 3 primaries project beyond rufous-edged tertials).  Notice in some photos there are at least 2 White-rumped SPs together.  The rufous coloration and crisp feathers indicate that these White-rumped Sandpipers are juries.
check orange at bill base; primary projection

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2 White-rumped SPs (Semipalmated above).  

2 White-rumped SPs

White-rumped Sandpiper 10/5/14

Nelson's sparrows, Milford Point, 10/5/14

A few record photos of Nelson's sparrows at Milford Point on Sunday, 10/5/14.  A Saltmarsh Sparrow was also present but could not be photographed.
Nelson's Sparrow 10/5/14, Milford Pt