11/25/15: Hudsonian Godwit revisited aout 5 weeks after arrival on 10/20/15; Bony, Tree Sparrow 11/24
The HUGO that arrived at Milford Point on 10/20/15 (see entry for that date) is still hanging out at the Stratford Marina with Greater Yellowlegs. Both legs/feet have obvious problems, as the photos below indicate, but it walked quite well, at least for the brief walk I witnessed. Also photos of Bonaparte's Gull (one of a pair) off of Trumbull Ave and a Tree Sparrow at SSSP (both on 11/24/15):
Hudsonian Godwit with Greater Yellowlegs Stratford Marina 11/25/15 |
HUGO right foot problem |
HUGO left leg problem |
Bonaparte's Gull, Trumbull Ave |
Silver Sands SP American Tree Sparrow 11/24/15 |