Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cedar Beach, Mlf Pt chicks and fledgling 8 July 10

Photos from 8 July 10: first, a Cedar Beach adult; second a fledgling. The video captures 2 chicks on the east side of the Milford Point spit; probably this pair hatched from one of the 2 exclosures on the middle section of the spit. This chick pair, now approaching 2-weeks old, is being carefully tended by 2 adults (not in the video). There are six more chicks on the spit: 4 are probably the youngest Cedar Street quartet; the other 2 are probably from middle the spit's other exclosure. Around this time adults and fledglings from other nesting areas may congregate at the spit. A few shorebirds are now returning from their breeding grounds and joining the Piping Plovers at the water's edge, including Semipalmated Sandpipers, Sanderling, Least Sandpiper, and Short-billed Dowitchers. Greater Yellowlegs are in the marsh. The American Oystercatchers and their single chick are now spending much time on the sandbar adjacent to the spit. (Two other Amoy pairs remain nearby.)

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